When I see a video I don't enjoy, I usually just move on. This abomination can not pass without comment. This is what happens when you send boys to do a man's work. The girls spent half the time bored and staring blank-eyed into the camera, no doubt wondering why they ever agreed to this catatonic performance, and the other half laughing at the limp, pathetic dicks on offer. Truly laughable. And by the way, Russia - I know times are hard over there, but a bowl of crisps between four people does not constitute a party.
Cute girls, esp the brunette. The boys were really boys, pathetic and limp-dicked. One couldn't even thumb it in so they showed fake shit. The girls deserved better. Ask the boys not to spend the night before in jerking each other off next time.
Die beiden - insbesondere die Blonde - braucht mal einen echten Männerschwanz. Die beiden Jungs wissen einfach nicht was sie tun. Alle vier bräuchten mal vernünftigen Unterricht in Sexualkunde mit Schwerpunkt Anatomie.